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Elbows up, Canada!

Humane Canada is the national federation of SPCAs and humane societies.

Our vision is simple: building a humane country.
Together, we can end animal cruelty, protect animals, and promote their humane treatment.
Are you with us?

where there is life there is hope


I want to end animal cruelty, improve animal protection and promote the humane treatment of all animals.

There is no power in silence


I want to use my voice to amplify this important message and create real change for animals.

What does a Humane Canada look like,
for you, for us, for them?

Learn more

How do we know if Canada is making progress toward becoming a humane country for all animals? We are measuring progress using a list of indicators organized under the following seven keystones. Each keystone is needed to support a humane country.

Legal Accountability for Harm

Representation in Decisions

Consideration as Individuals

Social Bonds Recognized

Responsibility to Change Behaviour

Evidence Informs Policy

Compassion is a Core Value

Illustrated map of Canada featuring animals

Impacting animals together: Our Focus

Our work, programs & resources Our work, programs & resources

Our work, programs & resources support the welfare and intersectionality of all animals in Canada.

  • Companion animals

    Living alongside us in our homes, and forming intimate daily connections with humans, our domestically bred animal companions hold significant importance in our society.

    Learn more here.

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Wear because you care today! From funny to inspiring, there's cool merch waiting for every animal lover.
Your purchase will help put an end to animal cruelty and ensure the humane treatment of all animals.