Add Your Voice: Petitions
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elephant walking in serengeti tanzania copy

You Can Help Us Phase Out Elephant and Great Ape Captivity in Canada

If passed, Bill S-15 would phase out the captivity of elephants and great apes in Canada, a significant step forward in animal welfare! These intelligent, sentient beings, known for their complex social structures and familial bonds, do not belong in captivity where they are often used for entertainment purposes. This practice is not only unethical but also incompatible with the values we hold as Canadians. 

a small group of baby chickens in a farm

Tell the Senate You Oppose Bill C-275, The Federal Ag Gag Bill

If passed, this bill proposes harsh penalties for individuals that “trespass” on farms to expose animal cruelty. Insist on ethical farming in Canada. Accountability and oversight are critical. Lend your voice now!

Close up of a horses face

Ask the Senate to Ban the Live Export of Horses

Despite the Prime Minister issuing a mandate calling to ban this practice in December 2021, more than 2,000 horses have been flown to their death since September 2021.

woman holding dog

The Canadian Violence Link Coalition

Research shows that violence toward people (interpersonal violence) and violence toward animals (animal cruelty) are part of a larger pattern of violent crimes that co-exist.