Sometimes donating your time to an organization is not possible. A monetary contribution to your local shelter will help them get the supplies and resources they need to help animals in your area. Even a very small donation can go towards directly improving the lives of shelter animals by buying food or paying for a vet check-up.
Support the work of Humane Canada in promoting responsible pet ownership and advocating for better laws to protect animals nationwide by clicking here.
You can make a donation to Humane Canada in a variety of ways:
Call us at 1-888-678-2347
Email us at:
Donate online
Mail a cheque to: Humane Canada, 851 Industrial Avenue, Suite M100, Ottawa, ON K1G 4L3
Yes, we issue tax receipts for donations of $10 or more. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact melissa@humanecanada via email or phone.
Humane Canada’s charitable registration number is 11883 0884 RR0001.
Call Humane Canada at 1-888-678-2347 or email us with both your previous and new contact information.
Send a letter to our political party leaders and access templates to help you write to our political party leaders about their plans to create a more humane Canada for animals.